Preserving Your Moodle Course Content

Preserving Your Moodle Course Content

von Lindsey Freer -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

As the end of the semester approaches, we wish to remind all of our faculty of the Moodle Course Retention Policy, and how to preserve your Moodle course content over time.

Our learning management system is a delivery platform; it is not designed to store course content in perpetuity. Therefore, in accordance with the above policy, courses from the 2019-2020 Academic Year (Summer 2019, Fall 2019, January 2020, and Spring 2020) will be deleted from Moodle in early August, 2023. 

LITS does not maintain backups of this course content, but we do offer tools within Moodle that allow you to create your own. We encourage faculty to review all of their past course shells, and to take a few minutes now to generate and download a course backup file for any course they may wish to reuse in the future. A course backup file maintains the content and the structure of your course, preserving much of the work that went into designing your Moodle shell the first time around.

Summer and Fall 2023 course shells are already available in Moodle. Now is a great time to set yourself up for later success, and import any past course content you may wish to reuse into those future courses.

In our Moodle Help Guide, we offer step-by-step instructions to create and import course backup files, as well as how to copy specific items between course shells. You are also most welcome to make an appointment with the Ed Tech team for live assistance; we can walk you through these processes, or help you devise a course backup plan that will work for you!

Any questions? Please reach out and connect with us at

Lindsey, Matt, Stephanie, and Annie
LITS' Educational Technology Team